Suppose for a moment
you are the board member charged with recruiting a new
CEO into IBM. The executive search firm that you retain
presents a slate of candidates featuring two CEOs of very
successful small start-up software companies. Do you seriously
consider the candidates or fire the search firm? Why? Now
consider you are a board member of an early stage start-up
and you face the same challenge of finding a new CEO. The
search firm presents a slate of candidates from very large,
mature companies such as IBM, all career professional managers
and all experienced in the start-up’s
technologies and target markets. Do you consider them seriously
or fire the search firm and again, why?
While most would think it absurd that a start-up CEO could
lead a complex multinational, multi-billion dollar corporation
such as IBM, many would look very seriously at the IBM manager
to lead a start-up. In fact, firms do it all the time, often
to somewhat underwhelming effect.
Welcome to the world
of organizational context, one of the
most misunderstood and underestimated considerations in the
recruitment and performance of management talent. It is also
a world-class killer of companies and executives alike.
What is Organizational Context?
Organizational context is typically described rather than
defined. It refers to the conditions or circumstances surrounding
a company which give it individual meaning. It is the base
ingredients if you like, from which the concoction known
as your company is brewed. It includes such variables as
location, structure, culture, political environment, competition,
employee demographics, ownership, technology, financial resources,
markets and strategy. Contextual variables may or may not
stand out individually but combined they create the energy
field, texture and even taste of a given organization. And
context is dynamic, changing over time, sometimes silently
and slowly, other times violently and with haste, to the
benefit or detriment of each and every organization.
Context affects attitudes and behaviors. Branch office attitudes
typically differ from those in head office. A company starved
for cash behaves differently than one rich in financial resources.
Family businesses have decidedly different dynamics than
professionally managed organizations. The cadence of aerospace/defense
organizations differs from Web 2.0 companies. Context constrains
and enables organizations and shapes the responses to it.
And while combinations of contextual variables allow for
generalizations across companies, organizational context
has to be respected as somewhat idiosyncratic at the firm
Different contexts call
for different leadership. Consider for example the same
senior level role in two companies distinguished by dramatically
different contexts. A Vice-President at Bell Canada operates
in a very complex, highly political organization in which
gaining consensus on any given initiative can be as difficult
as conceiving the initiative itself. This is a mature company
constrained by matrix structures, multiple business units,
political, geographical and historical considerations,
regulatory and union issues, internal coalitions of interests,
technology issues and remnants of a monopolistic culture.
Irrespective of the functional brilliance of the executive,
the context threatens to overwhelm anyone who is not schooled
and skilled in similarly complex environments. Now contrast
that to an executive working at Globalive, a young, founder-managed
entrepreneurial company that plans to build a green-field
wireless operation after acquiring a number of spectrum licenses.
It is almost certain that measures of success along with
the attributes required to deliver them will differ from
than those coveted by ‘The Bell’.
Context affects leadership
in all walks of life. The neighborhood or community largely
determines the best means by which to deliver educational
or policing services in that community. The context of
a city, province or country at a given point in time frames
the skills needed to lead them. Even the context of a war
determines how it must be fought. Last month for example,
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates ousted the Air Force’s
two top officials as part of a plan to shake up the US
military. One newspaper explained that Gates took the steps,
in part, because he believes the US military has failed
to adapt conventional tactics and strategies to the context
of Iraq and Afghanistan which have proven to be anything
but conventional theatres of war.
How Context is Overlooked in Hiring
If leadership requirements are intertwined with organizational
context, then surely it is extensively considered in executive
hiring. Think again.
Consider the true saga
of this Canadian start-up. Two years ago, as a condition
of securing a large round of financing, U.S. based investors
insisted that the founder be replaced by a more seasoned
CEO. With aspirations of selling its wares into the U.S.
media market, the board reasoned that an executive intimate
with that sector was needed. It recruited the divisional
President of a very large, well-known media company, an
executive with 25 years of varied sales, marketing and
general management experience, all within ‘big media’. The executive
knew ‘everyone’ in the sector, was well-regarded
as an effective manager and came with an excellent track
record of driving results for his employers. Based in Manhattan,
the new CEO assumed management of the young thirty-five person
company whose employees were all based in Canada. Sound familiar?
Now what do you suppose
the freshly minted CEO did first? He did what every professional
manager does best; he hired a team that he could professionally
manage. While that proceeded glitch-free, what followed
did not. The CEO’s coveted
relationships, tied to the large, prestigious corporations
he had worked for in the past, proved to be far less transferable
than expected. Doors did not automatically open, and deals
did not magically appear. Having spent his career leveraging
well-known brands, he struggled to build a new one. Several
of his new team members, notably the New York based Vice-President
of Sales, quarreled openly with leaders of the engineering
organization in Canada and dangerous ‘us versus them’ dynamics
emerged. With very little ‘street-fighting’ experience
or even proclivities by which to scratch and claw his way
to some market traction, the CEO tried to spend and manage
his way to success, burning through the company’s cash
while missing most of the deliverables and milestones along
the way. The investors, programmed as they are to never admit
error, rationalized that the market was simply not ready
for the firm’s offerings, and moved to temporarily
downsize the firm. Fortunately, the firm’s founder
had not been ‘retired’ with the changing of the
leadership guard, and after the CEO was released along with
his hired guns, the founder was given ‘another chance’ at
the helm of his company. The market’s readiness has
coincidentally strengthened as has the company’s performance.
The anecdote illustrates how easily contextual considerations
are sacrificed in favor of addressing immediate points of
pain or realizing visions of a glorious tomorrow. But as
the ill-fated U.S. media executive shows, context cannot
be ignored. Leaders who thrive in certain contexts easily
flail and fail in others. Competence is contextual, not universal
and organizations ignore this at their considerable peril.
While executives undoubtedly drive the performance of companies,
the performance of executives is also driven by companies
and their circumstances.
Context Driven Hiring
Management changes are
usually undertaken in response to changes in context. Growth
stretches a company’s
financial resources and processes. A firm wavers under
the weight of currency exchange pressures and struggles
to restore itself in the marketplace. A private equity
firm introduces a new vision and strategy to its newly
acquired corporate asset. In each instance, changes in
context drive the need to re-align the leadership of the
Unfortunately, context
isn’t easy.
The many interweaving variables affecting an organization
are difficult to sort out, rank, weigh in importance, and
hire against. It demands an investment of time and effort
to be understood and because of this, context is often
ignored or subsumed as a background issue. Simplifying
the issues is also extremely tempting, oversimplifying
even more so. And this is where companies, even the brightest
and best, get themselves into trouble.
Home Depot, GAP and Starbucks are all well-known examples
of firms that became global powerhouse brands in a relatively
short period of time. In each instance, rapid growth begat
issues of increasing organizational complexity and the need
for ever-more sophisticated coordination and efficiency of
operations. The boards of each of these firms wrestled with
whether the brilliant entrepreneurs who built them were best
suited to deal with these challenges and in all three instances
professional managers were handed the leadership batons.
Curiously, all three
of the external executives who replaced the founders failed,
not because they failed to implement the rigorous systems,
controls or processes needed to effectively manage these
global businesses. In fact, each of the CEOs was hired
specifically because they were quite accomplished in each
of those areas. Rather, they failed because the context
was oversimplified and over weighted towards efficiency
at the expense of the intuitive, creative and design elements
that made these retail businesses great. Managing creativity
by the numbers is a dangerous endeavor and it was not long
before the GAP lost its mojo, Starbucks the intimacy
of its famous ‘third place’, and Home Depot
its acclaimed customer service.
This is precisely why
context can be such a subtle killer. It is a system level
construct which must be respected as such and examined
from a perch far above the fray. When this is underestimated,
it is the points of greatest pain, throbbing as they do,
that attract the management balm, often to the detriment
of the organization’s
overall health.
Context should be the first consideration when a decision
to hire is made. It is embedded in traditional environmental
scans, SWOT analyses, PEST (political, economic, social and
technological) analyses and a variety of other off-the shelf
methodologies by which to capture a macro-level understanding
of a business and all of its moving pieces. Sites such as
Wikipedia provide a range of frameworks and links to undertake
basic context analysis.
At a minimum, context analysis ensures a measure of objectivity
to a hiring process. It puts an array of factors on the analytical
table for scrutiny and in the process improves the overall
situational assessment Once context has been mapped out,
organizations can then extrapolate to the leadership attributes
and experience most likely to be successful in that situation.
Organizations can then focus their recruiting efforts on
finding executives experienced and successful in similar
Timelines are an important consideration. On the one hand,
organizations have pressing issues today which must be addressed.
At the same time however they must be able to anticipate
and adapt to the changes tomorrow will bring. This is why
organizations ideally hire executives with experience in
the entire journey before them. This is the essence of the
leadership trap for many firms. Lacking the courage, vision
or wherewithal to hire someone with experience in the today
and tomorrow, organizations hire at one end of the spectrum
and cross their fingers that the executives can scale up
or downwards as it were.
Good selection decisions also incorporate an understanding
of the adaptability and versatility of candidates as well
as the range of contexts their experience spans. Anything
less than that is guessing and praying. What have they done,
where have they done it, what context did they do it in,
who did they do it with, what role did they really play,
why did they do it that way and how would they do it differently
if they did it again? In addition to a behavioral journey
down memory lane, good selection decisions incorporate an
understanding of motivational factors (ie. will an individual
strive to overcome and succeed? What drives them, and what
does this drive them to do?); intellect (still the single
biggest predictor of executive success); interpersonal style
(how will they interact with others in doing their jobs?);
and self-awareness (an indicator of the likeliness that the
individual will continue to learn and grow). A detailed discussion
of these must be left to another day.
Peruse any newspaper, on any
given day and you will find a story from some far away land
that will leave you scratching your head. How could that
have happened? Why would someone do something like that?
Why would someone think that way? Ponder these questions
for even a few moments, and it becomes clear that they cannot
be answered in the absence of context.
Context gives meaning. And in the same way that we struggle
to make sense of news without context, so it is senseless
to make hiring decisions without careful consideration of
those things that give meaning to that business.

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the Managing Partner of Toronto-based
StoneWood Group Inc, a leading human resources consulting
firm. He has spent the past 25 years assisting firms in the
technology sector address their senior recruiting, assessment
and leadership development requirements.
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations
as well as a Doctorate in Adult Education, both from the
University of Toronto. |