
Why it’s still a
big messy issue and why attitudes have to
Part 1
It has been debated for years yet remains a
small-talk favorite around the water coolers of the venture
capital industry. It is “The Founder Syndrome” and it goes
something like this…..founders innovate, incubate and
invigorate. They are the life-source of entrepreneurial
endeavor. They make things happen. They think differently,
they act differently, sometimes to extraordinary effect. But
for whatever reason, many don’t scale particularly well; they
have difficulty adapting to change; they are often one
dimensional; their egos can be a problem; and they are
idiosyncratic to boot. Whether you are inclined to view this
as a nature or nurture issue, it is often easier to simply
replace the founder with a proven day-to-day manager who will
guide the firm more skillfully to increase shareholder value
and ensure a better exit.
A recently published article by venture
capitalist Pascal Levinson suggests that two-thirds of venture
capital-backed start-ups will apply similar logic to replace
or demote their founding CEOs. For Levinson the question is
not ‘whether’ an organization should replace its founder but
rather ‘when’, and in his opinion, many boards of directors
wait much too long to pull that trigger. Pursuing a similar
theme, a study released last year by Concordia University’s
Jean-Philippe Arcand found that firms replacing their founder
with a professional manager prior to an IPO were rewarded with
an average $11mm higher valuation. Such a finding seems to
support the view that investors reward firms which restructure
their management teams in conformity with expectations around
the increased value of professional managers. The Board of
Directors of internet telephone pioneer Vonage are clearly
counting on this phenomenon to hold true as they recently
announced, in preparation for their forthcoming IPO, that they
would be replacing the company’s founder with an executive
from Tyco International.
But not so fast! When Arcand examined
longer-term performance (three years post IPO), he discovered
that founder led firms were more likely to remain listed and
had substantially better performance than firms in which the
founder was replaced as CEO. This suggests that what is
rewarded at the time of the IPO does not necessarily lead to
longer-term performance. It also gives reason to pause and
re-consider popular thinking on dealing with the founder
In this two part article, we will discuss the
dilemmas surrounding founders, current approaches by the
investment community in addressing them, and offer thoughts on
an alternative path forward.
A prominent business magazine recently
profiled BitTorrent Software, a San Francisco-based start-up
company whose software package was described as “the hottest
way in the world to download anything bigger than a music
file”. With over 45 million users regularly downloading its
‘free’ software, the company has garnered worldwide acclaim
for the ease, elegance and ingenuity of its technological
breakthroughs. BitTorrent’s success recently attracted the
attention of investors who bet $9mm on the firm’s ability to
develop a commercially viable business model for monetizing
its legions of users. This task falls on the shoulders of the
firm’s young founder, technical creator and CEO, Mr. Bram
Cohen. Now consider that Mr. Cohen was born with Asperger’s
Syndrome, a form of autism sometimes referred to as ‘geek’
syndrome. Though blessed with unusual focus and intellect, he
admits that “I don’t understand people very well”. In high
school, Mr. Cohen would spend evenings developing algorithms
to accelerate complex software calculations such as protein
modeling. Yet at the same time, he would perform poorly in his
academic coursework, even failing math on at least one
occasion. In an important final examination, he answered the
first question then went home explaining afterwards that “the
other questions were all variations on the first”. Mr. Cohen
insisted that he remain as CEO of his company because “I do
not trust many people”. In the article, he tried to allay
fears as to his leadership and business skills by arguing that
“these are just other puzzles to solve”. Investors have nine
million reasons to hope that he is right.
Mr. Cohen illustrates the wondrous yet
maddening world of founders. Blessed with an alchemist’s brew
of attributes such as uncanny vision, charisma, creativity,
determination, drive, passion, optimism, single-mindedness,
and resilience, the founder has emerged as one of the
technology sector’s most compelling icons. Firms such as
Microsoft, Google, Dell, Apple, Oracle, RIM and scores of
others are inseparable from the larger-than-life entrepreneurs
who continue to infuse them with their uniqueness. However, in
what often appears to be a perverse zero-sum game of attribute
distribution, founders distinguished by exceptional abilities
in some areas often bear equally noteworthy offsetting
weaknesses and/or idiosyncrasies in others. Technical
brilliance is frequently dulled by decidedly under-developed
business or people skills. Market and customer intuitiveness
is rarely matched by operational savvy. Traits such as
rebelliousness and individualism, which often distinguish
truly creative minds, clash with the increasing need for
structure and process as firms grows. It is common for
founders to suffer from glaring leadership blind-spots such as
arrogance, autocratic or micromanaging leadership styles,
volatility, hubris, and even eccentricities which threaten to
limit their overall effectiveness. Finally, as any perusal of
the literature on genius will support, bipolar personality
disorders and even psychotic behavior have been the unwelcome
bedfellows of some of history’s most brilliant minds.
For investors, founders are the stuff that
both dreams and migraines are made of. As both the sources of
inspired innovation and one of the more significant risks in
realizing their potential, founders consume an inordinate
amount of the investment community’s decision-making energy.
Who among the myriad of aspiring entrepreneurs will be the
coveted alphas? How does one most effectively deploy, support
and manage a founder? Why do some founders successfully adapt
and grow while others don’t and how can one tell in advance?
How does one deal with a gifted innovator such as BitTorrent’s
Bram Cohen if he proves ineffective as a business leader? What
are the risks in removing founder DNA from a young emerging
company? And on and on and on...
Scores of ‘scientific’ techniques have been
developed throughout history to answer such complex questions.
In the 19th century, practitioners of ‘Phrenology’, also known
as the ‘Science of Mind’, claimed the ability to map and
predict human behavior simply by touching twenty-seven
diagnostic bumps on a person’s skull. Had ‘bumpology’, or the
many other panaceas before and after it, not fallen by the
validity wayside, the matter of picking, sorting and
positioning founders would have long been resolved. That it
has not is testament to the sheer messiness of the human
condition. Though some investors still turn to modern day
practitioners of ‘Science of Mind’ for assistance, for most,
the blunt sorting instrument of choice is risk management.
In a recent address to a venture capital
forum, a prominent Canadian investor punctuated his talk with
the following statement: “If there is only one thing you
should take away from today, it is that I am not, I repeat
not, in the business of assuming risk. I am in the business of
minimizing risk”. The investor proceeded to explain that his
industry is “serious business for serious people entrusted
with the money of serious institutions”. It is an industry
which gravitates towards stability and predictability at the
expense of higher risk alternatives. It seeks opportunities
falling within specific analytical quadrants of consideration,
and red-flags outlying variables such as unproven markets,
unproven management and unproven technologies.
If the speaker is correct, to an industry
guided by risk minimization, the uncertainty surrounding
inexperienced founders must outweigh whatever unproven
potential they may promise. Why risk a crisis of leadership as
a firm moves from its creative stage to the operational stage?
What if the entrepreneur cannot lead, delegate, respond to
changing threats in the marketplace, or deal with a broader
constituency of stakeholders? Investor anxieties are
heightened when a key intervening variable, time, is factored
into the analysis. Time dominates the technology sector’s
vernacular like few other variables with phrases such as
‘first-mover advantage’, ‘time-to-market’, ‘time-to-exit’, and
‘cycle time’ setting its cadence. Viewed as a precious,
diminishing resource, time adds speed to the entrepreneurial
equation, removing the margins of error and placing a premium
on skillful execution. The need for speed further encourages
investors to value proven experience over the time needed for
inexperienced founders to become experienced. It propels the
entire sector to what Garage Venture’s Guy Kawasaki calls “a
driving thirst for serial rather than cereal entrepreneurs”.
While Canadian investors may thirst for the
sweet nectar of serial entrepreneurs it is the unsweetened
cereal entrepreneurs they most often get.
Tempting as it may be to summarily typecast,
founders are actually a varied lot. For many, entrepreneurial
pursuit is a calling, a gravitational force which defines
their very being. It is an existence lived at the edges, with
one foot reaching for the stars while the other dangles
precariously over a deep precipice. Time is an arbitrary
construct for these pursuers of the new and different. For
others, entrepreneurial pursuit is opportunity driven, a
mercenary endeavor, a shot at independence after a life of
corporate servitude. Founders variously seek glory, power,
knowledge, financial gain or the simple desire to make a
difference. For many founders, the business side of
entrepreneurial pursuit must always be secondary to
technological innovation, while for others, divining market
and customer opportunities will always dominate their
considerations. A glorious few value both.
When inexperienced founders extend beyond
family and friends to the community of professional investors,
it is junior, silent partners that they seek. It is their
business, only they know its pulse, where it is going and how
to get it there. Investor interest validates their vision, and
strengthens their resolve to marshal it to the goal-line. The
transitions which follow determine the fate of the
entrepreneur as he or she copes with new expectations, new
relationships, and the pressures to adapt while concurrently
executing to their ambitious plans. Some succeed, many do
For founders, it is a jarring, somewhat
surreal realization that the more money invested in their
start-up firm, the more investors involved, and the more
equity given up, the greater the likelihood that they will be
replaced by a professional manager. The phenomenon might even
be conceptualized as a U-shaped curve. If the founder’s firm
grows too slowly they will be replaced and if they grow too
fast, it will be expected that such growth will overwhelm or
overload the founder’s adaptive capabilities, and they will be
Such a perspective, cynical as it may sound,
is far removed from where most founders begin their
entrepreneurial journeys.
The Not-So-Trivial
Matter of Founders
Though the complexities of the founder
syndrome may reinforce the urge to embrace risk management as
the safest approach to dealing with it, it is important to
keep in mind the inconvenient fact that founders matter,
sometimes a great deal. Ask anyone who has spent even a moment
contemplating the second acts of such figures as Apple’s
Stephen Jobs, Nike’s Phil Knight or even Magna’s Frank
Stronach. There is an undeniable ‘something’ about many of
these individuals that is not so easy to categorize or
Consider just a few realities as they apply
to founders. First, although they may not get it right with
their first endeavors, this does not mean that founders won’t
eventually get it right. While some entrepreneurial endeavors
are born of eureka moments, others take form via
experimentation and learning. Many entrepreneurs get better
and wiser over time, arriving at their most important
contributions gradually (this is similar to artists of all
types – think of spaghetti western veteran turned
Oscar-winning auteur Clint Eastwood as an example). Consider
Goldcorp’s Ian Telfer. Before starting what has now become the
world’s sixth largest gold producer, he helmed a firm called
VenGold. In the late 90’s, reeling from the Bre-X fiasco and
low gold prices, the firm struggled to find a formula for
survival. Desperate, Mr. Telfer morphed his cash-rich company
into a dot com which he named Itemus. Though the new entity
pursued numerous market opportunities and business models it
suffered the same fate as many technology organizations and
went bankrupt in 2001. Undeterred, Mr. Telfer promptly dusted
himself off and founded what is now Goldcorp. In a recent
interview celebrating his being awarded ‘business person of
the year’, Mr. Telfer credited his success to
“kicked-in-the-head experience and visceral instinct”.
It could be argued that a founder losing his
or her job or company is an important character-building ‘kick
in the head’, a test of their mettle, their resilience, the
amplitude of their ambition. While this is true, one must be
careful that such a blow does not result in the kind of trauma
that leads to a talented person abandoning an entrepreneurial
career altogether. To fracture a well-worn phrase, ‘what kills
you does not make you stronger’. This is not an incidental
concern. As someone who is brought in to conduct searches to
replace founders, I bear witness to the bitterness, the sense
of betrayal, and confusion which characterizes so many founder
partings. Some never come back. Equally concerning is the
scenario where the entrepreneur, soured yet strengthened by
the aforementioned experience, pursues a different path to
founding and funding his or her next venture.
Michael Malcolm is the poster boy of this
latter scenario. One of Canada’s least known yet most
successful technology sector entrepreneurs, Dr. Malcolm began
his career as a professor of Computer Science at the
University of Waterloo. An ‘ideas person’ who founded several
small businesses while growing up, he established Waterloo
Microsystems in the 1980s and over the next few years worked
to build his first technology company. Looking back, Dr.
Malcolm acknowledges that he made many mistakes. Though the
firm did not go bankrupt it did not perform as expected and
Dr. Malcolm left the firm. Frustrated both by what he did not
know about running a successful enterprise and his experience
with local investors, he moved to California and over the next
few years purposefully sought out work assignments and people
to fill-in his knowledge gaps. In the early 1990s he founded
his next firm, Network Appliances which he eventually took
public and which has a current market capitalization in excess
of US $1bb. In 1996, with the financial support of Benchmark
Capital and Technology Crossover Ventures, he founded
CacheFlow which he also took public. At one point during the
tech sector bubble Benchmark’s $8mm investment in CacheFlow
had increased in value to $539mm. In 2001, Mr. Malcolm left
CacheFlow to found his current venture, Kaleidescape, a
blossoming media server company which he believes will be his
greatest success. Though Mr. Malcolm remains loyal to his
Canadian roots by locating Kaleidescape’s engineering
organization in Waterloo and even staffing it with several
former employees of Waterloo Microsystems and Cacheflow, he
has never moved back to Canada nor used Canadian venture
capital again.
Finally, Ian Telfer’s notion of ‘visceral
instinct’ is also an important consideration. Visceral
instinct and the confidence to act on it are critical
attributes in entrepreneurial pursuit and cannot be easily
taught, if at all. Consider a recent article on Sheldon
Adelson, titled The Man with the Golden Gut. Mr. Adelson is a
proud high school drop-out who has started, by his own count,
over 50 businesses. For him, “businesses are like buses. You
stand on a corner and if you don’t like where the first bus is
going, wait ten minutes and take another. Don’t like that one?
They’ll just keep coming. There’s no end to buses and
businesses”. In the late 1970’s, nearing the age of fifty and
with a few ‘modest’ successes to his credit, Mr. Adelson took
another bus. While contemplating the fast-growing personal
computer sector (in which he had no previous experience) he
noticed the emergence of third party sales channels. He
likened this distribution model to the automotive industry in
an earlier era where no single company had the scale to set up
national distribution, resulting in a network of dealers being
established across the country. He reasoned there was an
opportunity to create a “meeting place” where buyers and
sellers from all facets of the industry could converge,
interact and conduct business. He launched Comdex in 1979
which went on to become the most prominent technology
exposition in the world. The story does not end there however.
Though Mr. Adelson would eventually sell Comdex for $862
million it is actually another visceral instinct which better
defines him. Mr. Adelson held Comdex in Las Vegas. At that
time, the gambling Mecca catered exclusively to high rollers
and weekend tourists. Mr. Adelson foresaw that there was far
greater potential in filling Las Vegas with ‘suits’ Monday to
Friday followed by leisure travelers/gamblers on weekends.
Buoyed by Comdex’s success he began to buy convention centers
and subsequently casinos. Mr. Adelson is now one of the
largest and most profitable casino owner/operators in the
The value of instinct, vision or ‘gut feel’
is integral to the entrepreneur. It is a source of true
differentiation among the throngs of disruptive
entrepreneurial pretenders. It is also particularly difficult
to institutionalize in a company and thus, whoever has ‘it’,
however idiosyncratic that person may be, is often integral to
a firm’s longer-term sustainability. This is why firms crafted
by some of the best known entrepreneurial oracles have
cult-like characteristics. In a recent article pondering the
succession challenges of individuals such as Steven Jobs, Phil
Knight, and Larry Ellison, a Harvard professor quipped that,
“the difference between a cult and a religion is that only one
outlives its founder”.
In today’s investment climate, firms are
funded with the objective of exploiting their current
technologies and the narrow windows of market opportunities
they address. Entrepreneurs are evaluated on their ability to
exploit the opportunities perceived to exist at a specific
intersection of time and space. This is a short-term gambit
sometimes with unintended consequences. Consider the last tech
sector meltdown when scores of entrepreneurs were discarded in
favor of fiscally savvy managers better-skilled at riding-out
the economic storms which faced them. The pursuit of new
ideas, products, and even markets were luxury items better
left to the future, assuming one was to be had at all. Scores
of CFOs became CEOs during this period and helmed firms as
notable as Nortel. While the logic of those moves was
unassailable under the circumstances, the decisions around
releasing so many of the founders was not, as many firms
emerged from the dark recessionary tunnels bereft of
compelling visions and ideas for their futures. While many
have attempted to acquire that vision by retaining firms like
ours to recruit marketing or technology gurus, in many cases,
the professionals they bought are but distant cousins to the
entrepreneurial visionaries they discarded.
Peter Drucker once said that building a
better tomorrow requires becoming the enemy of today. It was
not the objective of the article to simply find fault with a
very complex founder-investor ecosystem. Nor was its purpose
to build a fanciful case for the endless coddling and nursing
of founders. Performance matters and founders must be held
accountable for the commitments they make to their
shareholders. Furthermore, some founders will not, cannot and
simply should not remain at the helms of their organizations.
Many are better redeployed while others simply ‘retired’.
However, for the great many founders whose high potential
future stories have yet to be written, the question of how
best to harness and develop that potential, for both short and
longer term benefit, is very important as is a regular
assessment of how effective current assumptions and practices
are in achieving those goals.
In Part II we will discuss elements of an
alternative way forward.

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the Managing Partner
of Toronto-based StoneWood Group Inc, a leading human
resources consulting firm. He has spent the past 25 years
assisting firms in the technology sector address their senior
recruiting, assessment and leadership development
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial
Relations as well as a Doctorate in Adult Education, both from
the University of Toronto. |