“At its most basic level, the board makes only three
types of decisions – to invest, to hire the CEO and
to fire the CEO”. Russ Siegelman, Kleiner Perkins
Caufield & Byers
While governance and fiduciary matters command a bigger
share of their time and attention, the hiring of CEOs is
among the most important, value-added responsibilities of
Boards of Directors. It is also one exercised ever more frequently,
with statistics showing that two-thirds of all venture-backed
start-up companies replace their founding CEOs and of these
replacements, two out of every five fail in the first 18
StoneWood Group has supported many Boards of Directors in
their executive recruiting efforts and has observed a range
of factors that impact both positively and negatively on
the outcomes. None matter more than getting the issues right
at the outset, for if a board gets this wrong it will almost
always get the search wrong.
When we speak of issues
we refer to the people, technology, operational, competitive,
market and financial variables which together paint a portrait
of the here and now of an organization as well as its opportunity
landscape looking forward. Boards must identify, weigh
and rank the relative importance of each of these variables
in order to understand an organization’s current
state and to set its short and long term priorities. Getting
these issues right is critical as they drive the requirements
for finding someone to lead the firm as well as the ensuing
selection process to determine the best suited candidate.
Getting the issues right is systems level analysis and can
be onerous for boards facing imperfect information, time
constraints, quickly changing circumstances and at times
divergent interests. But as we hope to show, undertaking
the heavy lifting is absolutely crucial for if shortcuts
are taken, issues missed, or their importance incorrectly
assessed, the results can be disastrous.
Focusing on the future
“Predicting the future is easy. It’s
trying to figure out what’s going on now that’s
Among the challenges facing every
board of directors is balancing an organization’s
needs for today with those required to realize its tomorrow.
Many boards prefer to dwell on the future, that shining
light over the horizon where sales and profits soar, costs
shrink, and shareholder value skyrockets. The past, on
the other hand is just that, the past, and the present
is but a stopping point, an uncomfortable one at times,
on the path to the future. But if boards overly focus on
the destination without carefully considering the starting
point, they run the risk of underestimating the skills
required to navigate the journey.
Consider the well-publicized example of
Computer Associates. Rife with scandals, it was called “the
most dysfunctional big corporation in America”. In
accepting CEO Sanjay Kumar's resignation in April, 2004,
Computer Associates Chairman Lewis Ranieri said, “We
will work hard to take the remedial steps necessary to put
this entire matter behind us and set the company back on
the path to its rightful future.”
The strategy to find a replacement CEO was
summarized afterwards by Chairman Ranieri, “We knew
where we needed to go and I figured that I and my general
counsel along with my compliance team could clean whatever
needed to be cleaned in the organization before the new CEO
arrived. We would do the hard stuff, be the sheriffs while
the new CEO could focus on the strategy and software issues
needed to get us where we wanted to go”. In other words,
as far as the Chairman was concerned, whatever plagued the
current organization could be rooted out and cleansed before
a new CEO arrived. Once ‘disinfected’ the organization
would be a cultural and financial clean slate for the new
CEO. With a brighter future fixed in their sights, the board
specified the need for a high integrity, technically competent
software executive with a track record in strategy and revenue
The Board got what they wanted in
Canadian John Swainson, a 26 year veteran of IBM who climbed
to the position of Vice-President of Worldwide Sales. Mr.
Swainson could even write code, a skill it was assumed
would equip him to rejuvenate the company’s
technological roadmap. In announcing his hiring, the Chairman
said, “He has just the right qualities. He knows software,
he is credible, he is smart, and he is honest”.
Fast forwarding two years, Mr. Swainson’s
performance was recently described by Fortune Magazine as ‘bumbling’ and ‘lackluster’.
While defending his efforts Mr. Swainson admitted, “I
sort of perceived, perhaps a little bit naively, that I would
spend only a small amount of time cleaning up the problems
and a lot of time focused on growth and strategy. What I
didn’t anticipate at the time was that we hadn’t
yet done the first part of the job, which is clean up from
the past”.
While Mr. Swainson has been singularly
indicted by the press for Computer Associates’ slow turnaround, the board’s
collective finger prints are also all over the crime scene.
By focusing on where they wanted the business to go and minimizing
the company’s present day ‘dysfunctions’ (such
as a remarkably primitive IT infrastructure, a highly idiosyncratic
founder culture and a host of systemic ills cultivated over
20 years under the previous management) the board underestimated
the importance of organizational change experience in their
evaluation of candidates. They also grossly misguided the
CEO’s expectations and priorities. Hired for his offensive
talents, Mr. Swainson has never left his end of the ice.
A similar scenario plays out frequently
in the start-up sector when boards skew the search criteria
towards where they want the firm to be taken and ignore
or diminish the issues that will need to be overcome for
the firm to get there. It is assumed that a ‘competent’ executive
will overcome whatever organizational, technical or financial
problems are inherited, if any exist, en route to the more
important task of propelling the organization forward. But
surprises ambush and occasionally kill new hires, and by
limiting the dialogue on the characteristics of the organization
today, boards unwittingly set up incoming CEOs for nasty
surprises which they may not be equipped to manage.
Recently I spoke to a candidate about
a CEO search we were conducting. Our firm had been involved
in his hiring several years ago into a troubled company
seeking to be repositioned and sold. Having succeeded in
this task he was looking for his next assignment. As we
spoke about our current search, I noted that unlike our
last involvement, this opportunity was a more attractive
growth story unfettered by major turnaround concerns. Before
I could finish the sentence however the candidate quipped, “Bob, if there is one thing I have
learned in this game, it is that they are all turnarounds.
You better expect that or you are dead”.
An understanding of the present state is also critical for
the many boards considering recruiting executives who will
reside remote from head office. It has become a national
obsession in Canada to lament the shortage of start-up CEOs,
and to look longingly to the larger, more mature pool of
US talent. But only some companies can tolerate a remote
CEO and only certain CEOs can effectively manage a remote
company. There are rules of thumb written with the blood
of the many companies past and present who have gone down
this path. They are all predicated on a deep understanding
of the organization which a new CEO will inherit.
It should be acknowledged that the struggle which some boards
have with the here and now of their organizations is perfectly
understandable. The exiting CEO may have had a vested interest
in distorting the current reality and may even have shielded
the board from issues, people or inconvenient facts. Boards
comprised largely of investors are often compromised by limited
operational experience from which to assess the strengths
and weaknesses of their organizations. Busy and frequently
with the benefit of only quarterly board binders, many lack
visibility and depth of understanding of the companies under
their care.
Nonetheless, recruiting to a desired
future state is a treacherous pursuit unless accompanied
by a map of how one plans to get there. Such a map must
start with a well marked, well-understood, “You
Are Here”.
had the past, we may not have the future. Just worry about
Sometimes boards respond too much
to the specific issues or problems of today at the expense
of broader or longer term concerns. Consider the
examples of the GAP and Home Depot. Under the leadership
of brilliant entrepreneurial founders both organizations
have grown to become global household brands. But as the
two retailers expanded, issues of coordination, efficiency,
process and managerial discipline increased in importance
and for a period, both firms wavered. Facing impatient
shareholders with short memories, the boards of both firms
elected to replace their founders with leaders better schooled
in managing complex multinational corporations.
When Paul Pressler was hired to manage
the GAP retail chain in 2002 one article gushed, “The polished, good looking
Disney veteran is a hard-nosed operations wizard, not a dreamy
fashion junkie. He is just the man to restore discipline
to the company”. Meanwhile over at Home Depot, one
business writer commented, “finally….folksy
Home Depot desperately needs the no-nonsense, data-driven
Bob Nardelli to whip it into shape.”
As everyone by now knows, both executives
were recently released from their respective firms. In
reporting on Mr. Pressler’s departure, BusinessWeek stated, “In
the end, he was a numbers guy who didn’t understand
the longer-term drivers of the fashion business”. Among
the many post-mortems on Mr. Nardelli, one observer stated, “Nardelli
gave the board what they wanted. He turned the faltering
retail giant into an earnings juggernaut. But this is a retail
operation not the military, and he never really understood
the difference”. Stated differently, Mr. Pressler created
a highly efficient chain of stores filled with clothes no
one wanted to buy while Mr. Nardelli had employee-less stores
tuned like Swiss watches that no one enjoyed shopping in.
Ultimately, neither executive balanced their obsession with
process and efficiency with an understanding of the more
nuanced art of long-term retailing excellence.
Start-up boards are also frequently
obsessed with the present. Often dominated by investors
driven by exit considerations, boards talk long term but
think and act short term. If a firm is viewed to need sales
they hire a sales-oriented CEO. If the products are stalled,
they hire a technologist. And on and on it goes. But in
the world of early stage companies success is a witch’s
brew of variables and boards err if they overly focus on
the challenges of here and now.
Over a coffee recently, a respected investor recounted one
such lesson he had learned over the past year. One of his
investee companies had gone through an uneventful process
of moving its technology from the lab through early market
validation. The firm was ready to commercialize, and the
Board made the decision to replace the highly technical entrepreneurial
founder with a sales savvy CEO. They recruited an executive
who had been the VP Sales and then COO of a company whose
revenues had rapidly grown from $1mm to $20mm. Though the
executive did not come from the same industry and had no
previous CEO experience, he knew how to sell to similar markets,
had early stage experience, had proven he could scale, was
credible to potential investors, and seemed ready for the
next step in his career.
On joining the firm, the new CEO pushed
hard to take the company to the next level. He did what
he did best, setting up direct and indirect sales channels.
He handled large accounts personally and was extremely ‘hands-on’. But
the company stalled. When the board probed to understand
the situation, the CEO indicated that the market was simply
not responding to the firm’s solutions. Though he continued
to press, after a year of no progress the board grew frustrated
and released the CEO.
Reflecting on the experience, the
investor acknowledged that the board had erred in simplifying
the leadership issues to executing revenue growth. The
CEO’s failure was
not his inability to sell but rather his inability to re-vector
the organization when signs of market rejection became clear.
The investor now realized that the failed CEO had in his
previous company been the execution-oriented COO under a
highly entrepreneurial CEO. It was the CEO, not the COO,
who had the ability to see opportunities that others could
not and could move the business to those intersections. The
board had not contemplated the portfolio of skills required
of the CEO if sales failed to materialize and thus had not
selected for those adaptive skills.
This scenario happens frequently when
boards fire an existing CEO. In constructing their ‘straw man’ they often
pick and choose attributes which eerily resemble the mirror
opposite of the outgoing CEO. They focus on eliminating the
flaws of the previous CEO without contemplating the full
complement of attributes that will be needed for the organization’s
mid to long term success, including some of the more positive
qualities of the departing CEO. Alleviating today’s
pain overwhelms and obscures the requirements for tomorrow’s
Struggling with the Issues
Hiring effectiveness is most compromised when start-up boards
lose or lack visibility into the issues altogether.
We once did work for a well-known
entrepreneur who leveraged a prior success into a large
round of funding for his new semiconductor company. With
considerable promise the firm embarked on an aggressive
growth plan. But over the next 18 months leapfrogging technologies,
unexpected product development hurdles and changing economics
in the semiconductor sector conspired against the firm
and left it floundering. Unable to secure additional financial
support for his original vision, the founder shifted the
firm into a subsystems company, anchored by its core technology.
The firm then furiously pursued a myriad of horizontal
and vertical markets, partnerships, and channel strategies.
But with only modest traction to show for their efforts,
and an increasingly frustrated founder, the board agreed
that a change of leadership was in order. With funds depleting,
the board agreed it needed ‘a
proven executive with domain expertise who can get up-to-speed
Entrusted with the search, we struggled to understand the
specifications. From which domain did the board want expertise,
and what kind of experience did they seek? What issues did
they perceive to be underlying the lack of traction? Did
they want an individual skilled in building subsystems companies,
someone deep in one of the more promising verticals targeted
by the firm or a turnaround expert? While the board of directors
had devoted considerable time to understanding the dynamics
of the semiconductor market initially targeted by the firm,
it struggled to keep abreast as the firm wandered from those
roots. The board simply did not know what would be needed
to make the firm successful.
This situation is not uncommon in entrepreneurial companies
that float successive market or technological trial balloons
in search of favorable trade winds or in firms whose exiting
CEO has systematically shielded the board from important
issues. But board uncertainty begets trouble such as when
boards interpret poor revenue growth to issues of sales and
marketing competence only to learn from the incoming CEO
that he or she has, in fact, inherited major product issues.
Uncertainty robs the board of the
ability to make informed decisions on the leadership attributes
required to take the firm forward. It forces them to turn to ‘rationalized
myths’ or assumptions about what to do, such as ‘Fire
the founder, hire an American’. These assumptions,
and there are many, often share an underlying disconnect
between perception and reality. Boards resort to casting
a wide net for the prototypical ‘savior’ or the
always popular ‘good guy’ and gamble that they
will somehow know and agree upon the right candidate when
they see him or her. Invariably the best looking candidate
rather than the best candidate wins the contest.
“It’s the hardest work we do,
and people don’t jump at the opportunity to do it.” Heidi
Roizen, Mobius Ventures
The pursuit of organizational success
is a steep, treacherous climb up rugged terrain. Leadership
is critical and there is no more important role for a board
of directors than the selection and support of those leaders.
But different terrains call for different leaders, and
boards must know the topography and conditions they are
dealing with when appointing leadership. Such knowledge
goes beyond where the firm is today or the peak it strives
to conquer. Instead, a board must strive for a “god’s eye view” of
the entire landscape and journey being taken.
There are no shortcuts in gaining such
perspective. It takes work looking at the issues, the challenges,
patterns, and tradeoffs in a complex system. While the board
will never predict the unpredictable or ‘plan out’ the
role that serendipity plays, it can develop an understanding
of the forces that affect the firm today and shape its future.
It can get the issues and themes right and in the process make
far better hiring decisions.

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the Managing Partner of Toronto-based
StoneWood Group Inc, a leading human resources consulting
firm. He has spent the past 25 years assisting firms in the
technology sector address their senior recruiting, assessment
and leadership development requirements.
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations
as well as a Doctorate in Adult Education, both from the
University of Toronto. |