
A recent
article chronicling Google’s spectacular
success highlights the company’s ‘over the top
culture, including bathroom stalls with Japanese high-tech
commodes and heated seats ….. each stall features
a geek quiz that changes regularly and asks technical questions
about testing programming code for bugs. The toilets reflect
the company’s general philosophy of work: generous
quirky perks keep employees happy, working hard and thinking
in unconventional ways’.
In another news item
last year, the world’s largest
independent video game maker, Electronic Arts, was accused
of using similar perks such as health clubs, daycare, free
gourmet cafeterias and concierge services to avoid paying
overtime to its technical staff. According to one of
the disgruntled employees, the company’s culture ‘reeks
of white collar slavery founded on relentless and abusive
demands of effort and time, much of it unpaid and all sugar
coated with meaningless benefits’. Responding to the
simmering discontent, including unprecedented attempts at
unionization, the company’s Vice-President of Human
Resources announced that the firm would agree to pay overtime
to its programmers, though he lamented that the gesture ‘moves
the company out of a culture that emphasizes entrepreneurialism
and ownership and into a clock-watching mentality.’
Welcome to the world
of corporate culture where one firm’s
secret recipe for success is another firm’s dirty little
secret. A key organizational enabler to some, a manipulative
tool to others and simply immaterial to others, corporate
culture is what fires the belly of the organizational beast.
What is Corporate Culture?
On any given day, references to corporate
culture can be found sprinkled throughout the business
press. From the HP ‘Way’ to
Toyota’s ‘Culture of Excellence’ to Enron’s ‘Culture
of Greed’, the term is commonly used to explain why
some firms perform better, or worse, than the rest of the
pack. It is also almost always pointed to as a key variable
in successful mergers, acquisitions and in organizational
change. Take the recent departure of Bob Nardelli from Home
Depot as an example. In one of the scores of articles dissecting
his dismissal, the writer notes, “A graduate of GE’s
data-driven culture, Nardelli was dismissive - indeed openly
contemptuous – of the folksy corporate culture nurtured
by predecessors Bernard Marcus and Arthur Blank. Moreover,
he was committed to changing it as a means of achieving his
growth goals for the organization”.
Corporate culture is the tangled web
of values, beliefs, written and unwritten rules and actions
that shape the personality and behaviors of an organization.
It is ‘how things
really work’ in a company, what gets rewarded, punished
and even ignored. It is what a firm’s leadership
pays attention to, measures, controls as well as the assumptions
which underlie them. It is the metrics of success, how people
are treated, how decisions are made, how scarce resources
are allocated, who gets promoted, and how a firm deals with
adversity. Culture defines the proper way to think, act and
behave in a given organization if one wants to fit in.
In companies where employees have
an emotional attachment to the company’s goals, have internalized what the
company believes in, and have a certain intrinsic satisfaction
from the work itself, there are few places that they would
rather be. They don’t need a lot of external controls
because they will act in a way consistent with how the company
wants them to work. Strong cultures therefore, guide people
to behave in ways that the company finds beneficial. At the
same time however, corporate cultures which are too strong,
too uniform, and without adequate variability, become susceptible
to ‘groupthink’ which can seriously hinder a
firm’s ability to adapt to a changing world. At the
other end of the spectrum, too little corporate culture compels
management to apply an assortment of carrots and sticks in
order to herd their employee charges.
Finally, there is no single idealized corporate culture
which can be prescribed for all companies in all situations.
Instead, certain cultural attributes are a better fit to
specific businesses, strategies, contexts and leaders at
various times. Corporate culture is always a work in progress
and fit is always the key.
How corporate culture takes shape in emerging
Tech firms are usually born of innovation,
a vision, or a perceived gap in a market. Emotion is the
kindling of early corporate culture with founding teams
rallying around powerful sentiments like ‘making a difference’, ‘changing
the world’ or in the case of Google, ‘avoiding
evil’. Some firms are fueled by rebellious, anti-establishment,
or David and Goliath emotions. Steven Jobs, for example,
had a famous yell of ‘It is better to be a pirate than
join the navy”. For yet others, the mobilizing energy
can be something as powerful, yet basic as revenge. Terry
Garnett has founded a series of companies all of which share
one characteristic: they are aimed squarely at inflicting
harm on Larry Ellison who unceremoniously fired him from
Oracle. His latest firm, Ingres, is populated largely with
former Oracle employees similarly bound together by a lust
for retribution. As Mr. Garnett stated in a recent
article, “the simplest way to create a culture is to
pick an enemy”.
Corporate culture takes shape as the
founding vision or dream interacts with the personality
of the founder along with his or her assumptions about
how a successful enterprise is built. The importance of
the founder cannot be overstated as a young company’s corporate culture reflects, to
a large degree, the personality of the founder/leader. The
dour, untrusting analytic founder can be expected to cultivate
a work environment somewhat different from the fun-loving
bon vivant. The founder models and reinforces the behaviors
valued by him or her. Employees watch and learn to the benefit
or detriment of the firm. A firm’s corporate culture
evolves, or fails to evolve as leaders get to know themselves,
what works for them and most importantly, how their actions
affect their organizations.
In addition to their individual personalities,
founders/leaders also bring personal sets of assumptions
about how to run a successful technology company. For some
it is an obsession with technical accomplishment versus
market innovation, a view of business as a short-term sprint
versus long distance marathon, a strong sense of ownership,
a community feeling. These assumptions guide the tradeoffs
which the organization will make in pursuit of its goals…speed,
service, quality, efficiency, innovation. They will also
drive the eventual social characteristics of the firm such
as whether decisions are consensus based, top down, bottom-up,
whether the firm is formal or informal, has structure or
no structure, is risk-taking, high initiative, proactive,
or reactive.
Together then, emotion propels the start-up organization
forward while corporate culture regulates its speed, guides
and focus it and ultimately nourishes it. All questions pertaining
to corporate culture ultimately centre on the nature, design,
application and value of these regulating controls.
For many leaders in the technology sector, the recipe for
building successful tech companies has only a few key ingredients.
It starts with smart, driven employees who share a sense
of urgency. In a recent survey of the 2006 Technology
Fast 50, ‘high quality employees’ ranked
as the factor contributing most to the growth of the survey
respondents’ companies. Furthermore, attracting, motivating
and retaining such employees however does not require an
inordinate investment in corporate culture. Instead, these
can all be managed with the help of one simple, elegant instrument….stock
options (ranked by far as the number one tool used by the Fast
50 in attracting and retaining talent). Stock options
allow start-ups to preserve precious cash while tying employees
to the goal of building shareholder value. When generously
applied, stock options have a powerful effect on attraction
and motivation. Vesting over a period of time, they also
have a superb effect on retention. Stock options set up a
simple quid pro quo in which the start-up organization holds
out the promise of future riches in return for the employees’ commitment
of body and soul. Manage the dream as well as the stock options
pot of gold and the leader manages the behaviors of the employees.
Stock options thus serve a powerful carrot in focusing an
organization’s employee population on a journey that
will require prodigious collective output. A stock options-anchored
corporate culture remains the most commonly used operating
model for today’s start-up company.
While few would argue against the
usefulness of stock options for emerging companies, many
would caution that they should not be the only arrow in
management’s quiver of practices.
There are other equally important elements of corporate culture
and these have little to do with the often reported toys
such as latté machines, sushi bars and foosball tables.
Instead they start and revolve around developing consistent
practices that address employees’ basic needs for respect,
trust, fairness, consistency, feedback, recognition, appreciation
and honesty.
SAS Software is the world’s largest privately owned
software company. It has never offered stock options to its
employees and boasts one of the lowest employee turnover
rates in the sector. For its owners, corporate culture matters
a great deal, not because it is designed to optimize shareholder
value, but because it is the DNA for the interaction of the
firm’s biggest assets, its people. SAS was founded
by two university professors with the following simple premise, “make
sure revenues are greater than expenses. Keep your customers
happy and above all, value your employees, as they are the
intellectual capital of your company”. The firm
has never wavered from these founding principles.
While focusing on employee-centered
management practices may sound overly simplistic, it is
not. For a variety of reasons, tech companies are often
built for speed rather than distance, and leaders often
assume that they must stay focused on the business tasks
at hand. Some organizations pay a large price for such
assumptions. For example, a recent book chronicles the
story of Nobel Prize winner William Shockley who invented
the transistor and subsequently established one of the
first start-ups in Silicon Valley to commercialize his
ideas. Due to his sizable reputation as well as his compelling
vision of a future electronic age, his start-up Shockley
Semiconductor attracted a world class team and unlimited
funding. However, Mr. Shockley’s dismissive approach
to leading people (elements of which included taking all
of the credit, as well as an autocratic, divide and conquer
management style tinged with paranoia), lead directly to
the demise of the firm in less than 18 months. As a measure
of the size of opportunity which was squandered, two of Mr.
Shockley’s disillusioned team members started their
own firm, which they named Intel.
For business leaders, crafting consistent,
constructive workplace practices is challenging, in part,
because it requires an ongoing awareness of how employee
behavior is shaped by the leaders’ behaviors, values and actions. This requires
self-awareness and a commitment to ongoing self-improvement
from the leaders as well as the encouragement of the boards
to which they report. And, as with everything else in life,
the devil is in the details. A company says that it values
performance but fails to reward high performers or release
low performers. A firm espouses teamwork yet implements reward
systems that are highly competitive and focus on the individual.
A CEO values quick decision-making but insists that he must
approve them all. Corporate culture is hard because walking
the talk is hard. And it is not just small companies which
struggle with aligning words with actions. Consider the recent
challenges of the new President of Ford Motor Company’s
North American operation. Appointed with much fanfare, he
has the unenviable task of aligning the company’s unions
and employees behind yet another series of painful belt-tightening
initiatives. Imagine the unions’ receptivity after
it was revealed that the company is spending upwards of a
$1mm to cover the new president’s annual commuting
costs, by private jet no less, between his office in Detroit
and his home in Florida.
While stock options have become the
management tool of choice for many tech firms, it is important
to caution that when used exclusively, they render a firm
vulnerable. First, stock options dominated cultures are
highly dependent on employee trust and faith that their
efforts, their sacrifices and pain will have a payoff.
Employees must see evidence of incremental progress, of
valuations rising, competitors going public, revenues increasing,
milestones being met. The ‘pot
of gold’ must never be too far over the options horizon.
If employees come to sense that the
dream is unattainable or will be unreasonably (to them)
extended or withheld, then commitment begins to fray and
the other elements of corporate culture, or lack thereof,
are laid bare. Anxious employees begin to question the
stock options quid pro quo and those conditioned to rely
on stock options carrots leave for bigger, better and potentially
more accessible carrots. A start-up client who once proudly
described himself as a ‘benign
dictator’ lost 50% of his executive team when a glitch
in a new product delayed its release for 6 months, thus extending
the firm’s likely time to liquidity. With the luster
of their stock options program fading, firms are forced into
either reevaluating their overall employment practices or
resorting to manipulation of the options program (as evidenced
by the options backdating brouhaha now facing so many organizations).
When the stock options culture cracks at the sector level,
as in the industry meltdown of several years ago, employees
stand back and reflect on the broader employer/employee relationship
model. In one of the many books published by disillusioned
employees after the tech sector meltdown, the writers of NetSlaves vented
their frustration in the prologue, ‘people are nuts,
no matter what profession they are in, but people forced
to work like dogs with the carrot of stock options and untold
wealth dangling under their noses are especially nuts’.
In the years since the technology sector meltdown, battle-hardened
employees at all levels have been far less willing to trade-off
cash compensation for options. They will still readily take
the stock options but, they now also want the cash.
The Electronic Arts unionization drive
illustrates the tipping point when employees conditioned
to ‘go the extra distance’ and ‘pay
the price’ begin to feel exploited. The games sector
is a brutally competitive sector, with short product life
cycles, and regular release timetables around the holiday
gift-giving season. When employees are driven to work inordinately
long hours, year after year, for a company whose stock options
plan ceases to offer the promise of pina coladas and warm
beaches, there comes a day of reckoning when enough is enough.
Suddenly, the concierge service which the company so generously
introduced to make employees’ life ‘easier’ starts
to feel like another ploy to shackle them to their desks.
There is an old Chinese curse, “May you live in interesting
times”. These are indeed interesting times in the start-up
sector. Hot new technologies are percolating, companies are
being funded, and many are growing, going public and even
being sold. And while many people are enthusiastically jumping
back onto the tech sector bandwagon it is important to caution
against reflexively applying yesterday’s techniques
to today’s pursuits.
The 1990s vision of a company going
from VC funding to public offering or sale in two years
is increasingly rare. Instead, today’s tech sector landscape is littered with a wide
assortment of companies in varying proximity to their investor ‘due
dates’, many of which remaining ‘works-in-progress’.
New business models are appearing, with different funding
requirements and as yet undetermined exit horizons.
While it may be convenient to continue
conceptualizing the start-up as a 100 meter sprint, for
many in the start-up sector the finish line increasingly
lacks visibility. By extension, it cannot be assumed by
today’s start-up
that it need only design employee systems with that finish
line in mind, nor can be it assumed that the single blunt
instrument called stock options will continue to suffice
as the fuel of choice. Yet, we still see boards and executive
teams compensated and evaluated in exactly the same manner
as in the past. The metrics of ‘traction’ and
the cultural levers being deployed remain unchanged.
It is perhaps time to reevaluate the cost/benefits of investing
in and supporting stronger corporate cultures. It is perhaps
time for investors to recognize that strong corporate culture
helps mitigate risk not enhance it. And it is perhaps time
to measure leaders on the corporate cultures they nurture
or fail to nurture.
To the naysayers, may you live in interesting

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the Managing Partner of Toronto-based
StoneWood Group Inc, a leading human resources consulting
firm. He has spent the past 25 years assisting firms in the
technology sector address their senior recruiting, assessment
and leadership development requirements.
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations
as well as a Doctorate in Adult Education, both from the
University of Toronto. |