
In this StoneWood Perspective we examine the elusive
quest for excellence in selection. We describe the complexities
of picking winners and how organizations most commonly deal
with them. Finally, we lay out an approach by which to enhance
selection decisions in all organizations.
Why selection excellence is so elusive
As we neared the offer stage on
a difficult search, the CEO of our client organization
asked that the final candidate submit a handwritten letter
formally expressing his interest in the position. Though
the request was unusual, the candidate complied and awaited
the final step in the process. A few days later the company
advised us that it would no longer pursue discussions
with this candidate. The only explanation offered was
that the company had a lingering concern about ‘fit’. Though puzzled
we complied. It was only when the next candidate was also
asked to write a letter that we learned that the CEO had
a muse, a cleric turned handwriting guru whom he consulted
on all key hiring decisions. After reviewing the first
candidate’s handwriting sample, the consultant determined
that the combination of light pressure (apparently a dead
giveaway for low-emotional energy) and a decidedly left-leaning
slant (cold and indifferent personality) were conclusive
evidence that the candidate was a poor fit for the company
in question.
Though it covets the stature of a science, selection has
always been the sum of stubbornly independent and subjective
inputs. Lacking unifying laws that distinguish the physical
sciences, there is little consensus on the attributes that
predict success in leadership roles, or how these interact
and are optimally weighted in importance. There is also no
agreement on the degree to which leadership is situational
or why so many leaders appear to have shelf-lives of effectiveness.
And there is certainly no consensus on how best to assess
candidates for the attributes we cannot agree upon.
Organizations struggle to take measure
of the irregularly shaped openings into which candidates
must fit. They wrestle with whether to hire for the company
they plan to become, the company they wish they were, or
the company that they actually are. Unable or unwilling
to acknowledge the ‘work-in-progress’ that
they are, organizations hold up idealized representations
against which they evaluate candidates. Invariably, the skills
required to navigate from the idealized to the actual state
are assumed to be the responsibility of the candidate.
Candidates have their own stakeholder issues. With varying
levels of self-awareness by which to know and describe themselves,
their preferences and their likely fit for a given role or
organization, candidates awkwardly parry and thrust with
potential employers as both sellers of services and buyers
of jobs. Wanting on the one hand to partner with their potential
employers to make good selection decisions, they are at the
same time fearful for the interests of their careers and
families. As emotions and conflicting goals force tradeoffs
in rationality, the consistency of their strategies and decisions
ebb and flow.
With so many stakeholders and such
complexity, hiring begs for thoughtful, disciplined approaches.
But as someone recently wrote, simplicity sells and complexity
languishes. With few systems-level approaches available,
and a reluctance to make the investments they require,
organizations retreat to the comfort of expediency and
simplicity. They probe generic strengths, weaknesses and
career aspirations. They lob leading questions, make snap
judgments and allow likeability to triumph over job-fit.
Gut-feel, hunches and trick questions pepper the discussion.
Someone hears that a lot can be learned about a candidate
from what they worry about, what they read, how they dress,
or their hobbies, so the hiring manager asks, despite having
little idea how the answers inform better decisions. Supplementary
questions pertaining to astrology, birth order and ‘what wild animal is most like you’ take
many interviews deep into an abyss of logical and legal indefensibility.
But as its many victims can attest, selection is no ordinary
beast. It is a hydra which responds to having one of its
nine heads cut off by growing two new ones and organizations
pay a big price by underestimating it.
Improving Selection Decisions
There has been much written on the elements of a thorough,
well conceived selection process. While some may debate the
specific tools, general agreement would exist on the following
- Upfront job analysis supplemented by culture and employee
attitude surveys at the organization level
- Behavioral and chronological interviews supplemented
by verbal, numerical reasoning testing and personality/motivational
profiling at the candidate level;
- Exhaustive reference checking to validate the aforementioned,
and finally;
- An integration or ‘on-boarding’ plan to aid
the successful candidate’s transition into the organization.
Over the years, we have implemented each of these steps
into our own search process with results that are compelling.
But while a number of our clients have embraced the discipline
that such a process demands, others have raised questions
of practicality. They remind us that interviews are the tool
of choice for selection decisions, and the first stop on
any road to improvement. They have pushed us to make tradeoffs,
to lighten our process, to delete what they consider burdensome
steps and to make substitutions that will have minimal adverse
effects on the quality of decisions made.
For those organizations looking to enhance their existing
decision-making process around selection, we offer the following
compromise approach:
Understanding the Position to be Filled
Selection excellence is impossible without an accurate understanding
of the role to be addressed. Such an understanding flows
from five basic questions:
- What is it the person has to do?
- What will they need to do well in order to be successful?
- How will they be measured?
- What is the
context or characteristics of the environment in which
they must function?
- Where do the risks lie?
A detailed list of tasks and responsibilities
is the starting point in any recruitment exercise and it
is usually the easiest for any organization to produce.
After reviewing these responsibilities we ask how the hiring
manager will know if the successful candidate is performing
well in the role. We press for specific measures of performance
and timelines. Organizations often defer this discussion
until after a successful candidate has joined the firm,
but in our experience it is much better before as it adds
clarity by which all parties can make better decisions.
This, in turn opens the door to a discussion on the skills
that will be required to meet those deliverables. The ensuing
dialogue is enhanced yet further by continually asking ‘why’ after
each answer. Where possible, we ask to speak to someone
who is considered capable in the role and we delve into
what they do and how they do it. We nudge the client to
talk about how the right person will likely go about doing
the job, and the obstacles they will need to overcome in
order to be successful.
We ask the hiring manager to talk
about the company, the challenges it faces and how these
affect the role in question, both today and into the future.
We enquire into the company’s
culture and ask for the opportunity to speak with others
who can also comment on how things work at the company. We
especially look for executives who have joined the firm in
the past year and ask about their transitional experiences,
what surprised them and their perspective on the company.
We look for red flags, inconsistencies and since we will
be searching for someone to fit into a given team, we try
to quickly gauge as many members of that team as possible.
As organizations often appear different from the top than
the bottom, we ask to speak with subordinates to gain their
perspective on the company, the role being recruited and
the challenges lying before it. While soliciting such broad
input helps us immensely as search consultants, it also gives
evidence as to how much the corporation values the input
and opinions of its employees.
Among the most difficult issues in
selection is determining which attributes really matter
and we make a point of deliberating on this at great length.
While most senior roles share a need for certain ‘motherhood’ attributes, a whole
list of others are often assumed or undervalued. Thus, while
most organizations will focus on evaluating candidates’ strategic
capabilities, communication and team skills and results orientation,
qualities such as judgment or decisiveness are often assumed.
This can be a grave error. Consider for example how the question
of judgment ultimately defined Ontario Conservative leader
John Tory in the last provincial election or how decisiveness,
or a lack thereof, continues to mark Paul Martin’s
legacy as Prime Minister of Canada. Other overlooked attributes
include resilience, flexibility and persistence all of which
are tested under adversity and thus rarely contemplated by
organizations hiring for a rosy future. Ask any early staged
company whose ultimate destination deviated from that which
was anticipated at the outset, and they will agree that these
three attributes are critical for success.
Finally, we decide with our clients how we will evaluate
candidates when we meet them. We discuss the questions that
will be asked, how answers will be evaluated and what issues/attributes
each member of the selection committee will focus on so as
to avoid duplication of effort and omissions.
Evaluating Candidates – The
Interviews are precision instruments
all too commonly wielded as utility tools. They are timed
events which seek to extract the essence of a given candidate
who has been plucked from his natural setting, dressed
in his Sunday-best, and immersed in an often sterile interrogation
room. The context robs the interviewer of the social cues
by which to normally make sense of another person. Deprived
of natural sources of color and depth, the interviewer
must finesse them out of the interview itself. They must
tease out the themes and storylines which cut through,
underlie and make sense of the candidate’s
career and life. Here’s how….
Interviews seek to answer three fundamental questions:
- Can the candidate do the job?
- Are they likely to do the job?
- How will they do the job?
Our approach combines a chronological trip down memory lane
with specific probing for evidence that the candidate has
tackled similar sets of challenges in the past. We take the
candidate all the way back to school and have them walk us
through the various decisions which combined, have placed
them where they are today. We look for themes that cut across
the companies, jobs and people they have chosen to work with
and for. We probe into the reasons the candidate was hired
into previous roles, who they worked for and the mandates
they were given. We ask how they went about addressing the
challenges presented to them, why they approached them in
this manner, the results, what they might have done differently
and how they have tried to apply those lessons going forward.
We look for evidence of self-awareness, where the candidate
has thrived, where he has not, the kind of people he works
best with and why. We look for evidence of learning and steady
improvement, drive and desire. Since levels of motivation
often change with means and age they cannot be assumed and
thus we probe into work habits and priorities. We look for
clarity of thinking and problem solving. We look at the caliber
of colleagues they have surrounded themselves with, and how
they have gone about hiring, motivating and retaining them.
Seeking to mitigate our clients’ risks,
we look for evidence that the candidates have tackled similar
challenges in the past, preferably under similar circumstances.
Can they take us through previous instances when they were
asked to build a distribution channel for an organization
at a similar stage of growth? Can they take us through
instances when they lead a company through its commercialization
stage? If so, how did they do this and why did they approach
it in this manner? Do they understand the issues? Is there
evidence that they have scaled up or down in the past,
and if so how did they do it, why were they able to do
it, and what have they learned? Have they demonstrated
the ability to adapt to different cultures, leadership
styles and challenges and is there reason to believe they
could do so again?
Pursued in this methodical fashion, interviews can effectively
surface the important themes, patterns and answers on which
good selection decisions can be made. The discipline is important
however for this is insight tapped via the periphery rather
than head-on. Interviewing is finesse, not force, and it
does not lend itself to short-cuts.
We take a similar peripheral approach
with references. References have invariably been offered
for the likelihood that they will be supportive of the
candidate and thus questions must carefully probe the ‘what’s, why’s and
how’s’ of the candidate’s experience with
that reference. Also, where possible the sample size of references
must be enlarged to enhance their validity.
Finally, while many would question
whether ‘on-boarding’ falls
under the realm of recruiting or performance management,
in our experience far too many senior level hires report
for duty only to be left to their devices to figure out how
to fit in and be successful. A strong case can be made for
an intermediary step by which the new hire and organization
agree to a plan by which the individual will learn the culture
and history of the new employer, expectations, and the key
relationships that will prove most beneficial to his or her
The Quest for Excellence
Research continues on a variety of
new fronts into how selection decisions can be improved.
For example, on the heels of mapping the human genome,
neuroscientists at the University of Arizona are strapping
electrodes to the scalps of managers as part of a plan
to map the electrical patterns of the managerial brain.
Long ridiculed as modern day phrenology, brain mapping
is becoming ever-more sophisticated and showing promise
in applications such as selection and training. One researcher
recently discovered a relationship between prefrontal cortex
activity and managerial competence. The greater the prefrontal
cortex activity the more likely an individual can manipulate
a variety of ideas simultaneously and plan for the future,
both of which the researcher argues are critical managerial
functions. For this researcher, selecting high performers
is a simple matter of applying a battery of tests which will
tap directly into individuals’ cortex activity, tests
which he has developed and is now marketing.
As neuroscience unravels more of the
brain’s mystery,
some believe that selection will eventually be simplified
to a neural computation, a matter of specifying and matching
human hard-drives if you will. But before you rush out and
buy your office an EEG machine, consider the cover story
in this month’s Scientific American Mind Magazine.
Laying claim to the ‘latest research’ they argue
that effective leadership has less to do with how neurons
fire in response to experiences than with the ability to
mobilize and energize people to act and follow. To do this,
leaders must connect to the values, opinions and hearts of
those being lead. Leadership is not a head trip, it is a
heart trip. They argue there is no fixed set of traits, no
single computational number assuring good leadership, only
traits specifically desirable to a given group being lead.
Effective leadership is custom software, not hardware. It
is Captain Kirk, not Spock.
As the debate rages on, science will
continue to make strides in our understanding of leadership
and selection. And while organizations should be buoyed by
the promise of these advances, they should also be wary for
science alone will never slay the selection beast. A recent
publication noted that the most important predictor of whether
a patient actually benefits from cancer testing or treatment
is not the sophistication of the technology being used, but
rather the skill of the administering doctor. Similarly, advances
in selection will always require skillful hands to apply and
interpret them, hands which respect the context and complexities
of selection’s many moving
parts. No algorithm or neural computation will replace that
commitment, or the discipline and skill accompanying it.

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the Managing Partner of Toronto-based
StoneWood Group Inc, a leading human resources consulting
firm. He has spent the past 25 years assisting firms in the
technology sector address their senior recruiting, assessment
and leadership development requirements.
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations
as well as a Doctorate in Adult Education, both from the
University of Toronto. |