
Buried among the stock
market rubble of the past year is News Corp, the $33bb media
giant hand-crafted by fabled entrepreneur Rupert Murdoch. Its
stock, like so many others, has been battered amid questions
surrounding the economy, the sector and the company itself.
Topping that list is the uncertainty surrounding the fate of
one executive. No, it is not the septuagenarian founder himself,
or even one of his offspring who are expected to eventually
ascend to the company’s
leadership mantle. Instead, the street has been aflutter
over the impending contract expiration of Chief Operating
Officer Peter Chernin and whether or not the $30mm per year ‘anti-Murdoch’ at
the helm of News Corp’s vast day-to-day operations
plans to renew. Even the biggest of Murdoch family fans considers
the Chernin contract situation a significant risk factor
for the company.
Though we tend to be blinded by individual brilliance,
a surprising number of marquee names are but half of a tandem,
the more prominent half perhaps, but a tandem nevertheless.
This article is about the lesser lights in those relationships,
the men behind who make the men ahead. It is not about the “two
in-a-box” co-CEO type partnerships such as Mike Lazaridis
and Jim Balsillie at RIM, but rather the less equal, anonymous
seconds-in-command who have been so instrumental to the success
of business icons such as Guy Laliberté at Cirque
du Soleil, designer Calvin Klein, Steven Jobs at Apple and
countless others. While one half of the pair may be
the more famous, it is often a fame made possible by the
success of the pair.
Well Known One-Two Duos
Tandems are a commonplace phenomenon.
The lyrics of countless Bernie Taupins give meaning to
the melodies and voices of better known stars such as Elton
John. Straight men have long set-up and played foil to
their more famous comic impresarios. In literature, Sherlock
Holmes had Dr. Watson, Don Quixote had Sancho Panza, Calvin
had Hobbes and even Frodo had Sam. The world of super heroes
has always had a Robin supporting Batman or a Kato supporting
the Green Hornet. In business, thousands of Warren Buffetts
and Steven Jobs have their less visible Charlie Mungers
and Tim Cooks. In fashion, it is said that there are almost
no examples of famous designers who were not partnered
with an equally gifted operator. This includes Christian
Dior, Yves St. Laurent, Karl Lagerfeld, Miucccia Prada,
Gianni Versace, Marc Jacobs, Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren.
And in the world of politics, many number twos have played
key roles in the success of their higher profile other-halves.
Winston Churchill once said that the greatest American
politician he ever met was not President Harry Truman,
but rather his steady right-hand, Nobel-prize winner George
Catlett Marshall. Similarly, Richard Nixon wrote that “Without
Mao Tse-tung, the Chinese revolution would never have caught
fire, but without Chou En-lai, it would have burned out,
and only the ashes would remain.”
The alchemy of the star performer, great leader or entrepreneur
lies in the amplification, distortion and even absence of
selected attributes which somehow work to brilliant effect.
But these individuals often need a counterweight or a supplement
of other attributes which balances or completes them. Uncanny
vision needs legs to get to that promised land, the flawless
logic of Spock needs the intuition and passion of Kirk, yin
needs yang, and the performer on the stage needs what in
Mandarin is called houtai, ‘the man behind
the stage’. It is only in combination that they reach
their full potential.
When to deploy a Second-in-Command
“The best advice I ever got was to
figure out what you are good at and then hire someone else
to do the rest”…
Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks
Power can only be shared if someone
decides to share it and thus the idea of the second-in-command
is born by the leader in an unselfish act that distinguishes
the great leader from the mediocre. It is a highly
contextual role, molded by the characteristics of the leader
and the needs of the business.
Most commonly, the second-in-command is used to complement
the leader. Thus, the visionary, ‘heads-up’ CEO
is coupled with an operationally savvy ‘heads-down’ second-in-command.
Guy Laliberté is the genius behind Cirque du Soleil,
which many call Canada’s greatest company. He will
openly admit that he is inspired and motivated by the creative
and artistic possibilities of the business. Less intriguing
to him are the day-to-day operations, the logistics of
mounting shows around the world, and the cultural challenges
in managing a diverse global work force. These responsibilities
are entrusted to Daniel Lamarre who, as President, adroitly
manages the business side of the business. In a recent
article Lamarre spoke of the partnership, “I’m
very lucky because we are so complementary. What Guy loves
to do, I don’t and what I like to do, he doesn’t.” Calvin
Klein’s long relationship with Barry Schwartz was
described in similar terms, “Barry provided the business
structure and day-to-day management to make Klein’s
vision real.” And at Intel it was said that “Andy
Grove was the visionary while Craig Barrett made it all
Many of these complementary pairings
are almost a union of opposites, not only in skills but
also in personality. As a recent article on Apple COO Tim
Cook commented, “the
most common observation about Cook is how temperamentally
different he is from Steve Jobs. Cook is cool, calm, and
never raises his voice. Jobs, well, he’s not any of
those things.” The relationship between CHC Helicopter
founder Craig Dobbin and his long time operations chief Harry
Steele was also described in terms of opposites. In Dobbin’s
biography the pair is described as follows, “Steele,
by his own description is frugal; Craig Dobbin, by general
consensus was flamboyant. Harry avoids the limelight; Craig
thrived in it. Harry drives a seven-year-old Chrysler; Craig
Dobbin once spent $600,000.00 on a Rolls Royce that accumulated
barely 7,000 kilometers before being sold for a third of
its original cost.”
In some instances, a second-in-command is used to mentor
the young leader. This can be accomplished using
a grizzled old veteran as was the case with Mort Topfer
who was the first COO hired by Michael Dell. In other instances,
a younger yet more broadly experienced operator is introduced
into the business as when Sheryl Sandberg was hired from
Google to help twenty-three year old founder Mark Zuckerberg
manage Facebook. A common rationale for these pairings
was outlined in a recent article, “Founders do not
want to lose their stamp on the company – something
they fear may happen if they hand the reins to a hired
CEO”. Thus, appointing a second-in-command assuages
those fears and allows the company to benefit by the added
experience to the team.
Frequently a second-in-command is put in place to deal
with increased operational complexity. Fast growing
tech firms are common examples where the CEO appoints someone
to maniacally focus on the expanding day-to-day operations.
The case for the executive suite duo in this instance comes
down to the leader’s bandwith.
The strategy of the business sometimes demands that the
CEO be paired with another executive. For example an organization
pursuing a growth strategy of acquisitions may require a
steady individual to focus on integration and execution while
the CEO deals with shareholders, the financial community
and the transactions themselves. Turnarounds may also require
a similar distribution of efforts. In this instance, the structure
of the leadership aligns with the strategy.
Seconds-in-command are also commonly deployed as the heir
apparent. A recent study reported that over 80%
of American CEOs served as COOs at one stage in their careers.
Companies such as IBM, Coca Cola and McDonalds view the
COO role as a key developmental test along the path to
the CEO role. The second-in-command assignment provides
enhanced visibility into the business as well as a new
perspective into what goes on in the corner office.
Finally, the second-in-command role is often used as a carrot
to attract or retain executive talent. A
key executive may resist joining a firm unless a ‘step-up’ role
is made available. Alternatively, a star performer who is
a flight risk may elect to remain with the firm as a result
of such a developmental opportunity.
The Classic Second-in-Command Profile
“There are two kinds of people: Those who do the work
and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group;
there is far less competition there”… Indira
A variety of responsibilities fall
on the shoulders of the typical second-in-command. In the
classic ‘inside-outside’ tandem,
the second-in-command is cast as the bridge between strategy
and operational execution. The leader deals with strategy,
markets, investors and the like, while the second-in-command
toils with the operational levers of costs, processes, systems,
metrics and people. With the goal of delivering the quarter
over quarter results, the second-in-command organizes, fixes,
improves, simplifies and solves day-to-day problems. As Apple’s
COO Tim Cook puts it, “To me the job is about putting
together the pieces of the operational puzzle.”
The highly analytical second-in-command
is also good with people; hiring, aligning, developing,
incenting and developing. At the same time however he is
able to make the difficult staff-cut decisions that divestitures
and turnarounds occasionally demand. And though the second-in-command
deals with the tactical concerns of the business, he or
she is also able to see the bigger picture. As Nixon said
of Chou En-lai, “Though
he tended personally to each tree, he was always able to
see the forest.”
The classic second-in-command comes from a varied background,
having usually held many of the jobs now reporting into him.
He understands the minutiae of the business and cannot have
the wool pulled over his eyes. Many are former consultants
in strategy or operations, quick studies in deciphering what
is askew in a given situation or how the current organizational
design or processes hinder or help the firm in achieving
its goals.
Perhaps most importantly the successful
second-in-command is characterized by a low ego. It is
said that the high profile leader casts a long shadow and
that the second-in-command needs to play in that shadow,
and in that shadow alone. As Cirque du Soleil’s Daniel
Lamarre states “Look,
it’s his (Guy Laliberté) company and nobody’s
confused about that, starting with me. What helped a lot
was my background as a consultant. As a consultant you learn
to work on someone else’s show. That’s how I
see it – it’s Guy’s show, not mine, and
I am fine with that.”
Some would argue that the issue of
demeanor is less one of ego than it is of being comfortable
in one’s own
skin. Successful seconds-in-command like the work they do
and crave little credit for it. The key for them is finding
a leader who allows them to do it.
Making the Relationship Work
“The most difficult instrument to play in the orchestra
is second fiddle”… Leonard Bernstein
The success of the second-in-command is highly dependent
on the relationship with the leader. In fact, it is so dependent
that it often does not survive when one half of the pairing
changes. For example, Air Canada recently announced the departure
of Chief Administrative Officer Duncan Dee whose stellar
relationship with former CEO Robert Milton did not transfer
to incoming CEO Montie Brewer. As now Chairman Milton stated
in a recent Globe and Mail article, “I would
have been a lot happier if their working had gone on famously
positively. But that wasn’t the case, and so life goes
on”. Disney’s Michael Eisner was never able to
find another Frank Wells after the latter died in a helicopter
accident. Wells, the consummate second-in-command,
went down as “the only man who could say no to Eisner
and make it stand.”
Despite the highly personal nature
of their relationship, most successful duos have common
underpinnings. For example, they are all anchored on a
shared understanding of responsibilities. The matter of
who will do what is not insignificant and requires considerable
investment of time and energy by the parties involved.
If skills and interests overlap greatly there is a risk
that the leader may micromanage or second-guess in those
overlap areas. At the same time, if there is
too little overlap the risks of competency gaps and deficiencies
increase. The two parties must discuss countless details
such as who needs to check with whom on which key decisions. Boundaries
need to be agreed upon and everyone in the organization needs
to understand where those are.
When Bill Wrigley considered hiring Bill Perez to be second-in-command
at Wm. Wrigley and Company, he first asked his Vice-President
of Human Resources to spend an entire day with Mr. Perez
to probe into the likelihood of a fit between the two individuals.
He then hired a consulting firm to develop a series of scenarios
to ascertain how the pair would deal with various issues.
This was followed by a series of one-on-one meetings to compare
philosophies, attitudes and values. The two also discussed
what would happen if they disagreed on an acquisition. Who
would have the ultimate approval? To whom should the senior
executives report and why? They even consulted other well
known tandems in the business community to better understand
how information flowed between them. Through this process
they gained deep insight into each other as well as a clear
understanding of their responsibilities before deciding to
consummate their business marriage.
Trust goes hand in hand with understanding
as a key ingredient in a successful relationship. Since
familiarity breeds trust, it is common for many great duos
to have longstanding relationships. For
those coming in from the outside, research suggests that
competence, integrity, consistency, loyalty and openness
are the key contributors in earning trust. These, along with
a plan to tackle them, should be carefully considered in
Communication is the other key component
in successful relationships. There
can be no hide and seeks, no hidden agendas, only open books
and over-communication. While this can be facilitated
by design (eg. close physical proximity between the leader
and the second-in-command), it demands regularly scheduled
and unscheduled communication. In the instance of Wm Wrigley,
the pair made it a habit to send emails to each other three
to four times a day, meet for lunch frequently, and chat
over the phone on the weekend.
When Relationships Fail
In 2005, Nortel hired Gary Daichendt
as its President and COO. A very successful Cisco executive,
Mr. Daichendt joined CEO Bill Owens with the mandate to
inject some of Cisco’s
magical business and cultural sauce into the floundering
Canadian telecom icon. As Mr. Owens stated at the time, ''Gary
is a world-class leader with unquestioned integrity and one
of the top technology executives in the world. He will make
a major difference to us going forward”. Only three
months later, Bill Owens made the following announcement, “It
has become apparent to Gary and me that we have divergent
management styles and our business views differ. I respect
him for his decision and I wish him every success in his
future endeavors.”
Despite their inherent logic, leadership
tandems fail with alarming regularity. Inadequate due diligence
is often to blame. Organizations rush to make decisions
and fail to invest the necessary time and effort to assess
the fit of the parties concerned. For example, it is reasonable
to assume that Gary Daichendt’s intense involvement
with the Christian leadership organization, Walk Thru
the Bible,
was public knowledge at the time of his hiring by Nortel.
Despite this, along with the opportunities for discussion
which such prior knowledge presented, Daichendt’s
religious values were most commonly blamed for his short
tenure. One Globe
and Mail article went so far as to suggest that “Daichendt
was a religious zealot who not only regularly talked about
prayer with his staff but also told the Nortel board he had
a message from God to depose the incumbent CEO.” Though
these allegations were denied by Daichendt, they speak to
a fundamental lack of due diligence prior to hiring. Companies
ranging from JC Penny to SAC Technologies to Overstock, all
shared extremely short-lived experiences with seconds-in-command.
Due diligence also means carefully scrutinizing broader competence-related
fit. Last year Dell Inc. paid Michael Cannon, President of
Global Operations more than $16mm to align the company’s
vast global operations to the changing world in which the
company competes. As the results have yet to materialize,
Mr. Cannon was recently ‘retired’ along with
several of his key lieutenants. He was replaced by a long-time
employee leading one observer to comment that the changes “marked
the end of Dell’s experiment with big name hired guns.”
Ego is also powerful poison in leadership
relationships. Donald Trump has famously fired many key
executives who dared venture out of his shadow. When Michael
Eisner had his challenges co-existing with successive seconds-in-command,
one writer famously quipped, “In Eisner’s Disney,
there is room for only one superstar, and it isn’t
Mickey Mouse.” Ego has also been the undoing of
many seconds-in-command who could not or would not accept
being ‘wingman’ to
someone else’s ‘Top Gun’.
An unwillingness to share power has
also undone many relationships. In his autobiography, Home
Depot founder Bernie Marcus describes getting fired at
Daylin Industries because the board perceived him as the
heir apparent while the CEO perceived him as an apparent
threat. The CEO eventually ‘uncovered’ improprieties
that he attributed to Mr. Marcus and fired him. If nothing
else, such maneuvering illustrates the difficulties if boards
of directors want a COO and the CEO does not. A willingness
and ability to share power is a psychological gate that must
be passed by the leader if any tandem relationship is to
Challenges also follow when boards hire a second-in-command
to prop up a poor CEO or as insurance for a CEO whose ability
to scale remains in doubt. One of the defining features of
the second-in-command is that they must be a loyal follower
behind the CEO and at the same time a leader of those below
them. This balance is compromised if the second-in-command
does not respect the CEO. A strong second-in-command will
not work for a weak CEO and thus attempting to use them as
insurance or as a backup sets up predictable recruitment
and retention issues.
Finally, a second-in-command with
feverish aspirations to be CEO will also sabotage many
tandems. Such aspirations impose timelines onto relationships
and if the second-in-command’s
desire for personal success supersedes his concern for organizational
success, problems are certain to follow.
Writer Roger Rosenblatt once wrote a tribute to the famous straight man George
Burns who spent much of his career in the shadow of his ditzy wife Gracie Allen.
He observed that, “The essence of the straight man is that he gives. He
gives the best lines, the stage, the spotlight. By giving, he creates the show – the
entire show, including all of the performances…And he gets by giving.
It takes a certain kind of person to do that – one who is willing to diminish
his part for the good of the whole.”

About The Author
Robert Hebert, Ph.D., is the
Managing Partner of Toronto-based StoneWood Group Inc, a
leading human resources consulting firm. He has spent the
past 25 years assisting firms address their senior recruiting,
assessment and leadership development requirements.
Mr. Hebert holds a Masters Degree in Industrial Relations as well as a Doctorate
in Adult Education, both from the University of Toronto.
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